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Contact Us

Knowledgeable customer service representatives are available by phone, email and live chat. If you are a new customer, are looking for a dealer or want to register online, please complete the registration form or contact our sales group.

If your company operates from multiple geographical areas and is looking to standardize weighing and process control equipment, please contact our national accounts manager, Glenn Zalusky, at 715-234-9171 or 800-472-6703, or via email at Glenn utilizes our network of local dealers to develop and implement programs that deliver increased uptime and efficiency.

Corporate Headquarters Mailing Address

230 West Coleman Street, Rice Lake, WI 54868 USA
USA: 800-472-6703 | Direct: 715-234-9171 | Fax: 715-234-6967
Canada and Mexico: +1-800-321-6703 | Europe: +39 0536 843418
China: +86 21 66314055 | International Direct: +1-715-234-9171

Extended Business Hours

Monday through Friday: 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Saturday: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Central Time

Emergency Contact Information

Your service doesn't stop when the office is closed and neither does ours.
Simply call 800-472-6703 and select option 1 to reach on-call personnel outside of our normal business hours. 

Contact Information


United States

Phone 800-472-6703
Fax 715-234-6967
Product Inquiry Email




Phone 800-321-6703
Fax 715-234-6967
Product Inquiry Email



Africa, Asia and Middle East

Phone 715-234-9171
Fax 715-234-6967
Product Inquiry Email


24/7 Emergency Support

For immediate assistance, call 715-234-9171 or 800-472-6703. Customers in Canada and Mexico, please call 715-234-9171 or 800-321-6703. If you are calling after standard business hours and have an urgent scale outage or emergency, select option 1 to reach on-call personnel.


Website Assistance

For errors or other difficulties related to this site, please email


Contact Us

To request a Rice Lake Weighing Systems representative to contact you, submit the form below and someone will be with you soon.


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