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Rice Lake Weighing Systems and Dini Argeo

Scales and Weighing Systems

Dini Argeo is a company specialising in the production of weighing systems. With their mechanical, electronic and I.T. knowledge, Dini Argeo offers solutions in the area of mechatronics, ranging from mobile weighing systems to scales for commercial and industrial use. This includes a wide range of components, electronic solutions and software for industrial automation and systems integration.

Dini Argeo boasts over 100 years of experience in the area of weighing, batching and industrial automation. The company offers state of the art technology, which guarantees the highest levels of precision while sticking to international standards.

In the fall of 2016, Dini Argeo was acquired by Rice Lake Weighing Systems. The two brands' strong history and ideals will increase customers' product and service offerings in Europe and around the world.

Via della Fisica, 20
41042 Fiorano Modenese (MO) - Italy
P.IVA/CF (VAT Reg. No./Tax code) – VAT IT00767800360
CCIAA Modena (Chamber of Commerce of Modena)
Cap. Stock € 500.000,00

100 Years of Legal Metrology

100 Years of Legal Metrology

Dini Argeo has been active since 1846, producing scales and weighing systems. The company has been listed, since 02/04/1906 on the Registro dei Fabbricanti Metrici, the register of metric manufacturers.