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Portable Vehicle Scales

Portable vehicle scales are modular weighing systems with up to 8 weighing pads. Due to the simultaneous weighing of each vehicle wheel, the weighing accuracy is comparable to that of a weighbridge.
Unlike a traditional weighbridge, they are significantly more cost-effective and allow you to view the vehicle balance and change locations frequently. They are particularly suitable for those who need high accuracy and for weighing any vehicle such as trucks, aircraft and caravans.


Weighing Kits for 2-Axle Vehicles and Vans

Weighs the whole vehicle and calculates the weight of the axles. Composed of 4 WWS series portable pads and the weighing terminal with integrated printer. Cable version.


Weighing Kit for 2-Axle Vehicles and Vans - Touch Screen Version

Weighs the whole vehicle and calculates the weight of the axles. Consisting of 4 WWS series portable platforms and the touch screen weighing terminal with integrated printer. Cable version.


Weighing Kit for 2-Axle Vehicles and Vans - Wireless Version

Weighs the whole vehicle and calculates the weight of the axles. Consisting of 4 WWS series portable pads and the weighing terminal with integrated printer. Wireless version.


Weighing Kit for Vehicles and Trucks From 2 to 4 Axles - Wireless Version with Touch Screen

Weighs the entire vehicle and calculates the weight of the axles. Up to 16 WWS series portable platforms and touch screen weighing terminal with integrated printer. Wireless version.


WWSF series 900 x 700 mm Wheel Weighing Pads

Pads designed to create weighing stations for large sized vehicles fitted with twinned wheels (articulated lorries, tractor-trailers, building yard vehicles, etc.); fitted with handles on both sides for easing the transport and the positioning. Particularly suitable for dynamic weighing.