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3590EGTB8 Touch: 8-Inch Panel Touchscreen Weight Indicator

  • Backlit graphic display with touch screen technology, lxh= 160x120 mm size. Indicated for use with gloves.
  • Multilanguage software, available in Italian, English, German, French and Spanish. Possibility to insert your own translation thanks to the new software "CUSTOM LANGUAGE TOOL", downloadable from the DOWNLOAD area of this card.
  • Equipped with waterproof gasket.
  • IP65 frontal protection.
  • Stainless steel frontal panel, with 8 fixing points for maximum protection against water and dust.
  • Overall dimensions: 280x220x80 mm.
  • Drilling template: 188x252 mm.
  • 3 way screen cross light.
  • Real time clock and permanent data storage.
  • Fitted alibi memory, integrated on the motherboard.
  • Slot for built-in micro SD for recording logos (upon request).
  • Functions available with DINITOOLS utility, also from remote (web server mode via internet).
    - Configuration, data entry and print formatting.
    - Recording and filing of all the information on PC.
    - Complete retrieval of the configuration.
    - Instrument calibration with numeric values.
    - Customization of the screens.
    - Development environment for customised programmes using a specific programming language.
  • 24-bit A/D converter, 4 channels, up to 3200 conv./sec. and up to 8 signal linearisation points.
  • 4 independent analogue channels (up to 2 in the E-AF03 version) for reading of the weight.
  • Connection with up to 16 analogue load cells of 350 Ohm (45 load cells of 1000 Ohm) and with the main digital load cells available on the market (mod. E-AF03).
  • Management of the most common digital load cells for weighbridges (with AF03GT firmware), also for CE-M approved applications.
  • Up to 10.000e OIML or 3 x 3000e @ 0,3 µV/e CE-M legal for trade.
  • Up to 1.000.000 displayable divisions for internal factory use, with internal resolution up to 3.000.000 points.
  • Connectable to printers and labellers with free programmation of the printout formats.
  • 12-24 Vdc power supply.

Panel digital weight indicator with a big 8" touch screen display, stainless steel front panel and standard Ethernet port. The 3590EGTB8 indicator has an area for the development of specific application programs, integrated debuggers and tools for PC programming. Thanks to the fully customizable work screens, this allows for the visualisation and the rapid management of all the necessary weighing data, master data and free texts, greatly simplifying user operations. CE-M approvable (OIML R-76 / EN 45501, OIML R-51 - OIML R-61 - MID for dynamic check weigher AWI).

I/O Section:

  • 1 Internal standard ETHERNET port (excludes standard serial port), for connection to company computer system.
  • 1 USB port for saving data on a memory stick as standard (memory stick not included).
  • 2 RS232 serial ports on terminals, for connection to printer, PC, radio module and optional interfaces.
  • 1 RS232/RS485 serial port on terminals, for connection to repeater, remote scale, badge reader or digital load cells.
  • Serial keyboard emulation input, for connection to barcode/badge readers or external PC keyboard, via cable with mini DIN connector (optional).
  • 4 opto-isolated outputs as standard, expandable up to 16 with optional board.
  • 2 opto-isolated inputs as standard, expandable up to 8 with optional board.
  • External Profibus or Modbus/TCP interface (optional), for automation management.
  • Interface Profinet, Ethernet/IP, EtherCAT, CANopen or external DeviceNet (optional, only with stand programme

Application Software:

  • AF01: Totalization and formula weighing
  • AF02: Pieces/quantity counting
  • AF03: Weighbridges - Input/Output vehicle
  • AF04: Statistical checking of prepackaged goods
  • AF05: Price computing and industrial labelling
  • AF08: Wheel and axle static weighing with 2 or various platforms
  • AF09: Dynamic and static axle weighing with 2 platforms
  • BATCH1: Single product dosage systems in loading and unloading
  • BATCH: Multicomponent dosage systems in loading and unloading (IOEXPB board must be included).


Main Certifications:

  • EU Type Examination Certificate (45501:2015)
  • OIML R76
  • OIML R-51 - MID automatic checkweighers (require "CHECK" firmware option)
  • OIML R-61 - MID automatic filling machines (require "BATCH1-R61" firmware option)
  • OIML R134 (AF09)
  • Australian legal for trade certificate of approval (NMI S788)

Customised Applications:

  • Thanks to the integrated development area, fully customized applications can be created autonomously:
    - Bespoke weighing programmes according to customer requirements
    -Customized weighing programmes for terminal replacement in preexisting systems
    - Wizards, operator messages.
    - Serial port management, protocols customization.
    -Complete digital I/O management.
    - Sequential or simultaneous automations.
    - Data entry, custom archives.

    Dini Argeo can offer the service of bespoke development programs. Please contact us for a free quotation.


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Inventory Weighing Solutions and Programmes Email All Weight Indicators and Trasnmitters|Bench Scales|Pallet Truck Scales|Floor Scales Articles


Available Versions

Part # Description List Price Cart/Quote
3590EGTB8-1 8-inch Touch Screen indicator with AF01 software. Panel enclosure. Colour Display.



Available Firmwares

Part # Description List Price Cart/Quote
AF02 Software for piece/quantity counting.


AF03GT Software for weighbridges, vehicle In/Out. For 3590 "TOUCH SCREEN" weight indicators.


AF04GT Software for statistical checking of prepackaged goods. For 3590 "TOUCH SCREEN" weight indicators.


AF05 Software for price computing and industrial labelling.


AF08 Software for static wheel and axle weighing with 2 or more pads.


AF09 Software for dynamic and static axle weighing with 1 or 2 pads.


BATCH1 Software for single product dosage systems in loading and unloading.


BATCH Software for multicomponent dosage systems in loading and unloading. NOTE: For 3590, IOEXPB expansion board is required.


Software to Fill in the Databases

Software for Display Customization

Junction Box / Boards - Load Cell Cables

Power Supply for DIN Bar

Approval for Sale to Third Parties

Storing Weighments

Printers / Labelers

Display Customization

Communication Interfaces

Fieldbus Interfaces

Digital Input / Output

Weight Repeaters

Options for ATEX Version

PC Keyboard / Scanner / Connection Cable

Remote Control

Other Options

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