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3590EGTBOX8 Kiosk with Weight Indicator for Self-Service Systems and Weighbridges with 8" Touch-Screen


  • Zeroing, automatic tare, presettable tare, locked/unlocked tare.
  • Management of the main digital load cells available on the market.
  • Automatic acquisition of the operator and vehicle data, through magnetic badge, for storage of input/output weighings.
  • Management of vehicles with trailer even on 2 scales (tractor weighed on scale 1 + trailer weighed on scale 2)
  • Database of 500 storable customers and 250 storable suppliers with three 25-digit alphanumeric descriptions, net total, weighing total.
  • Database of 500 items with 20-digit alphanumeric description, net total, weighing total.
  • Database of 500 vehicles with 20-digit alphanumeric description, plate (10 digits), linked tare, net total, weighing total.
  • 6 totalisation levels resettable and printable separately: partial total, general total, grand total, customer total, item total, vehicle total.
  • Printing reports of the whole database or just the handled files.
  • Automatic printing with completely configurable layout.
  • Possibility to set a password to access the SETUP.

Kiosk with Weight Indicator for Self-Service Systems and Weighbridges

Waterproof STAINLESS steel kiosk with 8" touchscreen weight indicator, perfect for self-service weighbridges management. Fitted with thermal printer and RFID reader or coin acceptor. Open to CE-M type-approval.

I/O Section:
  • 1 internal Ethernet port as standard (if activated, it deactivates one serial port), to connect to the company network.
  • 1 USB port to save data on a USB driver (driver not provided).
  • 2 RS232 serial ports on screw terminals for connection to printer, PC, radio module and optional interfaces.
  • 1 RS232/RS485 serial port on screw terminals, for connection to weight repeater, remote scale, badge reader or digital load cells.
  • Fitted keyboard emulation input, for barcode/badge readers or external PC keyboard, through cable with mini DIN connector (optional).
  • 4 optoisolated outputs, expandable up to 16 with optional board.
  • 2 optoisolated inputs, expandable up to 8 with optional board.
  • External Profibus or Modbus/TCP,interface (optional), for automation management.
  • External Profinet, Ethernet/IP, EtherCAT, CANopen or DeviceNet interface (optional, only with standard AF01 weighing program).
  • Modbus RTU Interface.
  • Optional Bluetooth connection, for quick wireless programming of databases, through PC, smartphone or tablet.
  • Analog output DAC16O needs the expansion board IOEXPB.

Technical Features:

  • Satin STAINLESS steel electrical panel board, fitted with electromechanics and power supply unit for integrated devices.
  • Protection visor for outdoor use, from sun and adverse weather conditions.
  • 8" high-brightness resistive touchscreen display, suited for use with gloves and water/condensation.
  • Completely customizable display.
  • Double aeration grille with built-in fan.
  • Internal heating unit with thermostat.
  • Choice from QWERTY, AZERTY or QWERTZ touchscreen keyboard settings.
  • Built-in RFID reader, with reading distance up to 30mm or coin acceptor.
  • Fitted with Alibi Memory.
  • Quick display language selection.
  • Thermal printer fitted with paper cutter. Printing speed >150mm/sec., 200 dpi resolution, 24/40 columns, 80mm paper width.
  • Completely configurable and customisable tickets.
  • AF03 software for weighbridges, standard configuration for self-service use.
  • A/D 24 bit converter, 4 channels, up to 3200 conv./sec. with autoselect and up to 8 signal linearisation points.
  • 4 analogue independant weight reading channels (up to 2 in the E-AF03 version).
  • Connectable to max. 16 analogue load cells 350 Ohm (45 load cells at 1000 Ohm).
  • Max. 10.000e or multi-range 3 x 3000e @ 0,3 µV/e in CE-M legal for trade approved version.
  • Max. 1.000.000 displayable divisions for internal use with internal resolution up to 3.000.000 points.
  • Power supply a 110-240 Vac.

Menu selectable languages:

  • Menu selectable languages:IT, EN, FR, DE, ES, PT, PL

    Code pages available for the translation of messages and screens, using the Custom Language Tool program (downloadable in the Download section):
  • Windows 1252: EN, GA, IT, NO, PT, ES, SV, DE, FI, IS, FR, NL, SL
  • Windows 1250: PL, CS, SK, HU, SL, SH, RO, SQ, EN, DE
  • Windows 1251: RU, UK, BE, BG, SR, MK, EN
  • Windows 1253: EL, EN
  • Windows 1258: VI, EN, FR

Main Certifications:

  • EU Type Examination Certificate (45501:2015)
  • OIML R76
  • OIML R134 (AF09)


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Inventory Weighing Solutions and Programmes Email All Weight Indicators and Trasnmitters|Bench Scales|Pallet Truck Scales|Floor Scales Articles


Self-Service System for Weighbridges: Available Versions

Part # Description List Price Cart/Quote
3590EGTBOX8-3 Column or wall STAINLESS steel kiosk fitted with weight indicator, 8" touchscreen display and AF03GT software for vehicle weighing and weighbridge management. Equipped with thermal printer and RFID reader.


3590EGTBOX8GET-2 Column or wall STAINLESS steel kiosk fitted with weight indicator, 8" touchscreen display and AF03GT software for vehicle weighing and weighbridge management. Equipped with thermal printer and coin acceptor.



RS485 Lightning and Surge Protection

Part # Description List Price Cart/Quote
RS485PDIN Protection circuit for port 485, with enclosure for DIN rail installation. Protection according to IEC 1000-4-5/D (IEC 801-5/D).


Legal for Trade Approval (only at time of order)

Weight Repeaters

International Power Cables

Storing Weighments

Software to Fill in the Databases

Software for Display Customization

Communication Interfaces

Fieldbus Interfaces

Expendable Materials

Other Options