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3590EGTT Touchscreen Weight Indicator for Industrial Applications

  • Resistive backlit 5,7" (120x90mm) color touch screen graphic display, suitable for use with gloves.
  • Multilanguage software available in: Italian, English, German, French and Spanish. Possibility to insert a personal translation thanks to the new "CUSTOM LANGUAGE TOOL" software.
  • 3-way high brightness LED crosslight.
  • 15-key alphanumerical mechanical keyboard.
  • Selectable QWERTY, AZERTY or QWERTZ keyboard integrated in the touch screen.
  • IP68 AISI304 stainless steel case.
  • Dimensions: 328x186x144 mm.
  • As standard fitted with an adjustable bracket, for bench or wall mounting. Real time clock and permanent data storage.
  • Supplied with alibi memory, integrated on the motherboard.
  • Slot for built-in micro SD for recording the configuration, logos, and customized screens (upon request).
  • Functions available with DINITOOLS Utility Software, even from remote way (WEBSERVER mode via internet).
    - Configuration, data entry and print formatting.
    - Recording and transmitting of all the information on PC.
    - Complete retrieval of the configuration.
    - Instrument calibration with numeric values.
    - Customization of the screens.
    - Development environment for custom programmes through specific programming language.
  • 24-bit A/D converter, 4 channels, up to 3200 conv./sec. and up to 8 signal linearisation points.
  • 4 independent analogue channels (up to 2 in the E-AF03 version) for connecting to analogue loadcells.
  • Connects with up to 16 analogue load cells of 350 Ohm (45 load cells of 1000 Ohm) and with the main digital load cells available on the market (mod. E-AF03).
  • Management of the most common digital load cells for weigh bridges (with DIGIKIT option and AF03GT firmware), also for CE-M approved applications.
  • Up to 10.000e OIML or 3 x 3000e @ 0,3 µV/e CE-M legal for trade.
  • Up to 1.000.000 displayable divisions for internal factory use, with internal resolution up to 3.000.000 points.
  • Connectable to printers and labellers with free programming of the printout formats.
  • 110-240 Vac power supply.

Configurable Touch Screen Weight Indicator for Advanced Weighing Systems

The 3590EGTT indicator, other than the chosen weighing programme, has an area for the development of specific application programmes, integrated debuggers and programming tools for PCs. Advanced weight indicator, AISI304 stainless steel with resistive touch screen display, suitable for any industrial application. It can display all of the weighing data and with the customisation of the screens, simplifying the user operations. Fitted with 3 serial ports, transmission protocols for data communication, completely configurable printouts, integrated alibi memory, and port for connection to barcode/badge reader. CE-M approvable (OIML R-76 / EN 45501, OIML R-51 - OIML R-61 - MID for dynamic check weigher AWI).

Ideal for Digital Approved Weighbridges

The 3590EGT indicator with the AF03GT firmware manages the most common digital load cells for weigh bridges, even for CE-M approved applications:

For a complete list of supported load cells, refer to the AF03GT Weighing Program Technical Manual.

For efficient handling and optimal protection of digital load cells, we recommend the use of the DIGIKIT option.

I/O Section:

  • 2 RS232 serial ports, for connection to printer, PC or PLC, radio module and optional interfaces.
  • 1 RS232/RS485 serial port, for connection to weight repeater, remote scale, badge reader or digital load cells.
  • Fitted keyboard emulation input, for barcode/badge readers or external PC keyboard, through cable with mini DIN connector (optional).
  • 4 optoisolated outputs.
  • 2 optoisolated inputs.
  • External Profibus or Modbus/TCP,interface (optional), for automation management.
  • External Profinet, Ethernet/IP, EtherCAT, CANopen or DeviceNet interface (optional, only with standard AF01 weighing program).
  • Modbus RTU Interface.
  • Optional Bluetooth connection, for quick wireless programming of the activities and the formulas, through PC or tablet.
  • Analog output DAC16O needs the expansion board IOEXPB.

Customised Applications:

  • Thanks to the integrated development area, fully customized applications can be created autonomously:

    - Specific
  • weighing programmes according to customer requirements
    - Customized weighing programmes for terminal replacement in
  • pre-existing systems
    - wizards, operator messages
    - serial port management, protocols customization
    - digital I/O full management
    - sequential or simultaneous automations
    - data entry, custom archives

    Dini Argeo can offer the service of custom development programs.

Available Languages:

  • Menu selectable languages:IT, EN, FR, DE, ES, PT, PL*

    * Polish available only on EGT-AF01, EGT-AF02, EGT-AF03, EGT-AF04, EGT-AF09, EGT-BATCH1, EGT-BATCH

    Code pages available for the translation of messages and screens, using the Custom Language Tool program (downloadable in the Download section):
  • Windows 1252: EN, GA, IT, NO, PT, ES, SV, DE, FI, IS, FR, NL, SL
  • Windows 1250: PL, CS, SK, HU, SL, SH, RO, SQ, EN, DE
  • Windows 1251: RU, UK, BE, BG, SR, MK, EN
  • Windows 1253: EL, EN
  • Windows 1258: VI, EN, FR

Main Certifications:

  • EU Type Examination Certificate (45501:2015)
  • OIML R76
  • OIML R-51 - MID automatic checkweighers (require "CHECK" firmware option)
  • OIML R-61 - MID automatic filling machines (require "BATCH1-R61" firmware option)
  • OIML R134 (AF09)
  • Australian legal for trade certificate of approval (NMI S788)

Application Software:

  • AF01: Totalization and formula weighing

  • AF02: Pieces/quantity counting
  • AF03: Weighbridges - Input/Output vehicle
  • AF04: Statistical checking of prepackaged goods
  • AF05: Price computing and industrial labelling
  • AF08: Wheel and axle static weighing with 2 or various platforms
  • AF09: Dynamic and static axle weighing with 2 platforms
  • BATCH1: Single product dosage systems in loading and unloading
  • BATCH: Multicomponent dosage systems in loading and unloading (IOEXPB board must be included)


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Inventory Weighing Solutions and Programmes Email All Weight Indicators and Trasnmitters|Bench Scales|Pallet Truck Scales|Floor Scales Articles


Full version with 2 inputs, 4 outputs and RS485

Part # Description List Price Cart/Quote
3590EGTT Advanced Touch Screen indicator with 2 IN, 4 OUT, RS485, AF01 software. Tilting version with stainless steel support for bench/wall installation. Fitted with AF01 software as standard.



Optional Power Supply Cords

Part # Description List Price Cart/Quote
PWCORDUK Version with BS1363 power cord (UK plug).


PWCORDCH Power supply cord with SEV1011 plug (CH plug).


PWCORDUS Version with US type B power cord (Japan, North and Central America).


PWCORDAUS Version with AU power cord.


Kits for Connection to Digital Load Cells for Truck Scales

Available Firmwares

Software to Fill in the Databases

Software for Display Customization

Storing Weighments

External Battery

Junction Box / Boards - Load Cell Cables

Approval for Sale to Third Parties

Printers / Labelers

Display Customization

Communication Interfaces

Fieldbus Interfaces

Connection Cables

Weight Repeaters

Columns, Supports Brackets, Visors

Options for ATEX Version

Protection Against Electric Discharges

Digital Input / Output

Analog Output

PC Keyboard / Scanner / Connection Cable

Remote Control

Other Options

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