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DGT1: Multifunction, Digital Weight Transmitter/Indicator

  • Easy to use 5-key waterproof keyboard.
  • Highly efficient red LED display with 6 8-mm digits and 6 LEDs for showing active functions.
  • Standard dimensions for mounting on DIN bar.
  • Calibration, Set-Up parameters, configurable from keyboard or from PC with DINI TOOLS.
  • Up to 10.000e or multirange 2 x 3000e @ 0,3 µV/e in CE-M approved version for legal for trade use.
  • Up to 800.000 displayable divisions with internal resolution up to 3.000.000 points.
  • Up to 8 signal linearization points with DINITOOLS (3 from keypad).
  • 1 channel A/D 24-bit sigma-delta conversion, up to 400 conv./sec. autoselect.
  • Connectable with up to 8 analogue load cells with 350 Ohm input resistance.
  • From 12 Vdc to 24 Vdc power supply.
  • Fitted with real time clock and Alibi memory.

Compact, multifunction weight transmitter / indicator, for panel mounting on DIN bar. It allows the direct reading and diagnostics of the connected weighing system. The wide range of available interfaces, makes it easy to integrate the weighing with any automation system.


Transmitter / Indicator: Functions

Zeroing; Semi automatic and presettable tare, print and/or data transmission; ON/Stand-by

High Resolution Weighing x 10; Lb/kg conversion; Approved transmission of the weight to PC/PLC (with ALMEM Alibi memory option) e Peak.

Available in 7.15 firmware version:
Net/Gross; Weighs totalisation; Formulation; Counting; In/Out Truck weighing and Hold.

Serial Ports:

  • On all models: Reading of the net, gross, and tare weights; Clearing; Semi automatic and presettable tare; Scale switch; Setting of outputs activation thresholds; Reading/Writing of Alibi Memory.
  • DGT1 and DGT1AN models: Reading of microvolts or ADC converter for all the channels; Message display; Printing; Setting of APW in counting mode; Simulation of key pressure; MODBUS serial protocol.

Analogue output proportional to the net or gross weight, either positive (in loading) or negative (in unloading).

I/O Section:

- RS232/C bidirectional port configurable for connectio--n with external units.
- RS485 bidirectional port configurable for network connection.
- 16-bit analogue output (DGT1AN model) 4-20mA / 0-5Vdc / 0-10Vdc at choice. Maximum load applicable on the output current: 300Ohm. Minimum load applicable on the output voltage: 1kOhm.
- 2 photomosfet outputs: 150 mA 48 Vac / 150 mA 60 Vdc (NO), with configurable functions (DGT1IO model).
- 2 optoisolator photocoupler inputs: 12÷24 Vdc, 5 mA min - 20 mA max, with configurable functions (DGT1IO model).

Master/Repeater Option (MSTSLV code):
Specific program for use of the indicator as a universal weight repeater or as a multi-scale repeater (MASTER) in combination with DFW/DGT/MCW.

Functioning Modes:
Multi-scale repeater (MASTER)
function which allows to repeat up to 32 independent scales, with the possibility of managing their functions, or displaying and printing the sum of the weighs of all the scales.

UNIVERSAL weight repeater

function which allows to repeat the weight of any scales, through the configuration of the input string.

CE-M EN 45501
Australian legal for trade certificate of approval (NMI S788)
UL certificated version (upon request)



Available Versions

Part # Description List Price Cart/Quote
DGT1 Weight transmitter for DIN bar. 5-key keypad, LED display, date/time, alibi memory, and multifunction weighing program.


DGT1IO Weight transmitter for DIN bar with 2 IN and 2 OUT. 5-key keypad, LED display, real time clock, alibi memory. Multifunction weighing programme.


DGT1AN Weight transmitter for DIN bar with analogue output. 5-key keypad, LED display, real time clock, alibi memory. Multifunction weighing programme.



RS485 Lightning and Surge Protection

Part # Description List Price Cart/Quote
RS485PDIN Protection circuit for port 485, with enclosure for DIN rail installation. Protection according to IEC 1000-4-5/D (IEC 801-5/D).


Approval for Sale to Third Parties

Storing Weighments

PC Software for Managing Weighbridges

Printers / Labelers

Communication Interfaces

Power Supply for DIN Bar

ABS boxes for wall mounting

Options for ATEX Version

Weight Repeater Software

Other Options

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