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DGT1SX High-Speed Digital Weight Transmitter

  • New cutting-edge processor, able to process up to 4800 weight readings per second. The high speed allows an extremely accurate weight filtering even with weighing being perfomed in milliseconds.
  • Integrated Fieldbus.
  • New power supply circuit of the load cells (up to 16) for a better weighing stability.
  • Power supply circuit with protections against overloads, polarity reversal and short circuits, specific for industrial environments.
  • Micro-USB communication port for configuration, diagnostics and data backup available on all versions.
  • It can be used in conjunction with Xspeed tool, the PC program designed to configure the most suitable filtering for your system.
  • Up to 120 updates per second on Fieldbus.
  • Modbus RTU protocol integrated on all versions, up to 110 updates per second.
  • Analog output available on Fieldbus versions (upon request), to modernize existing plants without modifying their main functioning.
  • 2 more outputs, for a total of 4 digital outputs.
  • Real time warning of any faults or disconnections of the load cell.
  • The integrated WEB SERVER allows full diagnostics, calibration and remote configuration of the weight transmitter from an Ethernet network.

High-performance multifunctional weight transmitter, the fastest of the Dini Argeo range. It can manage up to 4800 readings per second, for weighing with precision in milliseconds. For DIN rail mounting, it allows direct reading and diagnostics of the connected weighing system. The wide range of available interfaces makes the integration of weighing into any automation system easier and safer.

Available versions

CE-M EN 45501, OIML R-76, OIML R-61 (MID)

Onboard Web Server
Integrated WebServer as standard, for configuration, diagnostics and data backup.


Number of scales/channels:


  • Theoretical (mV\V)
  • With sample weights
  • Via Web server
  • Via XSpeedTool

Conversion rate:
Up to 4800 Hz

Maximum number of load cells:
Up to 16x350Ω

Minimum sensitivity:
High resolution 0.01 µV/d
Legal for trade 0.3 µV/e

Number of legal-for-trade divisions:
Up to 10,000e or multi-field 2x3,000e

Load cell excitation voltage:
5 V

Communication ports:

  • 1 micro-USB port (device)
  • 1 RS485 port (Mod. DGT1SX / DGT1SX-AN)


Communication protocols:
Modbus RTU, ASCII or Fieldbus

Communication rate:

  • On serial port up to 1600 Hz
  • On Fieldbus up to 120 Hz
  • Via Modbus RTU up to 110 Hz

PC programs for configuration:

Red LED 8 mm, 6 characters

5-key mechanical


Power supply:
12÷24 Vdc, 5 W

Operating temperature range:
- For internal use -20°C ÷ +60°C
- Approved -10°C ÷ +40°C

Max humidity:



Analogue output:
16 bit (Model DGT1SX-AN)

Digital outputs:
n. 4 OUT, configurable

Digital inputs:
n. 2 IN, configurable

UL Listed (upon request)
2014/30/EU EMC
2014/35/EU LVD
2011/65/EU RoHS
EU Type Examination Certificate (2014/31/EU)



XSPEED tool is the PC program for optimizing the performance of the weighing system integrated in the process and industrial automation. Through XSPEED tool, you can set the most suitable weighing filter for your application and create custom filters, thus maximizing the speed and accuracy of weighing in static and dynamic applications.


Title View Download Email Category
DGT1SX Tutorial | Webserver View Email All Weight Indicators and Trasnmitters
DGT1SX Tutorial | Theoretical calibration View Email All Weight Indicators and Trasnmitters
DGT1SX Tutorial | Calibration with sample weights View Email All Weight Indicators and Trasnmitters
DGT1SX Tutorial | Analog output | How to set inverse mode View Email All Weight Indicators and Trasnmitters
DGT1SX Tutorial | Analog output | Configuration View Email All Weight Indicators and Trasnmitters
DGT1SX Tutorial | Analog output | How to reduce the interval View Email All Weight Indicators and Trasnmitters


Available Versions

Part # Description List Price Cart/Quote
DGT1SX Weight transmitter on DIN rail, with 2 INPUTS and 4 OUTPUTS. Fitted with 5-key keypad and LED display. Multifunction weighing program.


DGT1SX-AN Weight transmitter on DIN rail, with 2 INPUT, 4 OUTPUT and analog output. Fitted with 5-key keypad and LED display. Multifunction weighing program.


DGT1SX-PRONET Weight transmitter on DIN rail, with 2 IN, 4 OUT and PROFINET port. Fitted with 5-key keypad and LED display. Multifunction weighing program.


DGT1SX-ETHIP Weight transmitter on DIN rail, with 2 IN, 4 OUT and EtherNet/IP port. EtherNet/IP. Fitted with 5-key keypad and LED display. Multifunction weighing program.


DGT1SX-MODTCP Weight transmitter on DIN rail, with 2 IN, 4 OUT and Modbus/TCP port. Fitted with 5-key keypad and LED display. Multifunction weighing program.


DGT1SX-ETHCAT Weight transmitter on DIN rail, with 2 IN, 4 OUT and EtherCAT port. Fitted with 5-key keypad and LED display. Multifunction weighing program.


DGT1SX-PB Weight transmitter on DIN rail, with 2 IN, 4 OUT and Profibus port. Fitted with 5-key keypad and LED display. Multifunction weighing program.


DGT1SX-DEVNET Weight transmitter on DIN rail, with 2 IN, 4 OUT and DeviceNet port. Fitted with 5-key keypad and LED display. Multifunction weighing program.



RS485 Lightning and Surge Protection

Part # Description List Price Cart/Quote
RS485PDIN Protection circuit for port 485, with enclosure for DIN rail installation. Protection according to IEC 1000-4-5/D (IEC 801-5/D).


Approval for Sale to Third Parties

PC Software

Clock Calendar / Alibi Memory for Type-Approved Communication

Power Supply for DIN Bar

Communication Interfaces

Options for ATEX Version

Other Options

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