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DGT4X High Speed Weight Transmitter

What's New Compared to the DGT4

  • New cutting-edge processor, able to process up to 2600 weight readings per second. The high speed allows an extremely accurate weight filtering even with weighing times in the order of milliseconds.
  • New cell feed circuit for greater weighing stability.
  • Power supply circuit with protections, specific for industrial environments.
  • Removable terminal blocks to simplify wiring in the electrical panel.
  • Frontal micro-USB communication port for configuration, diagnostics and data backup.
  • XSPEED TOOL: New PC software with oscilloscope function for system diagnostics and weighing filter optimization.
  • 14.2 mm display.
  • New configuration menu to simplify calibration and configuration.
  • RS485 communication port always available on all versions.
  • Up to 120 fieldbus updates per second.

High Speed Weight Transmitter
Weight transmitter for weight transfer to PLC via fieldbus, analog output or RS485. It allows the reading and diagnostics of each load cell or each connected scale.

Available versions

CE-M EN 45501, OIML R-76, OIML R-61 (MID), OIML R-51 (MID), Australian approval

Onboard Web Server
The integrated WEB SERVER allows complete diagnostics, calibration and remote configuration of the weight transmitter from the Ethernet network. Only available for PROFINET, ETHERNET/IP and MODBUS TCP/IP models.

Power supply: 

A/D 24 bit with 4 channel

Max scale number:

Load cells connection:
4 or 6 wires (with sense)

Operating modes:

  • Digital junction box
  • Multi-scale transmitter
  • Single-scale transmitter

Conversion rate: 
up to 3200 conv./sec

Selectable sampling rate:
up to 2600 conv./sec

Fieldbus update rate:
up to 120 Hz

up to 800.000d

Signal sensitivity:
0,03 µV/d (0,3 µV/e)

3.000.000 counts

up to 8 points

Connectable load cells: 

up to 16 350 Ω cells

Profibus, Profinet, EthernetIP, EtherCAT, EthernetIP, CANopen, DeviceNet, Modbus TCP/IP.

Serial ports:

  • 1 Micro-USB port (device) for PC configuration with "Dinitools®" and "XSpeed Tool".
  • 1 RS485 port
  • 1 RS232 port (Mod. DGT4X / DGT4XAN)

Analog output: 
16 bit (DGT4XAN Model) 4-20mA or 0-10Vdc.

Digital outputs:
n. 2 configurable OUTPUTS

Digital inputs:

n. 2 configurable INPUTS

ABS, for Din bar (106 x 56 x 118 mm)


  • Theoretical (mV\V)
  • With sample weights
  • Remotely by WEB SERVER
  • From the keyboard
  • From PC with "Dinitools"

Keyboard functions:
Zeroing, Tare, Function mode, Manual data printing/sending, ON/Stand-by

Program functions:
Setpoint, High resolution, Peak, Alibi Memory, Unit of measure conversion, Unbalancing alarm, Broken load cell exclusion

Mechanical with 5 keys

14,2mm red LED


CE-M EN 45501
OIML R76 (10000e or 3000 + 3000e) / R51 / R61 MID
UL Listed (upon request)
EU Type Examination Certificate (45501:2015)
Australian legal for trade certificate of approval (NMI S788)

Upon Request:
UL certified version



XSPEED tool is the PC program for optimizing the performance of the weighing system integrated in the process and industrial automation. Through XSPEED tool, you can set the most suitable weighing filter for your application and create custom filters, thus maximizing the speed and accuracy of weighing in static and dynamic applications.

Free download from the Download section.


Available Versions

Part # Description List Price Cart/Quote
DGT4X High speed weight transmitter for DIN bar with 4 channels, 2 IN and 2 OUT. 5-key keypad, LED display.


DGT4XAN High speed weight transmitter for DIN bar with 4 channels , 2 IN, 2 OUT, analogue output. 5-key keypad, LED display.


DGT4XPRONET High speed 4 channel Din rail weight transmitter, with 2 IN, 2 OUT and PROFINET port. 5-key keypad, LED display.


DGT4XPB High speed 4 channel Din rail weight transmitter, with 2 IN, 2 OUT and Profibus port. 5-key keypad, LED display.


DGT4XETHCAT High speed 4 channel Din rail weight transmitter, with 2 IN, 2 OUT and EtherCAT port. 5-key keypad, LED display.


DGT4XETHIP High speed 4 channel Din rail weight transmitter, with 2 IN, 2 OUT and EthernetIP port. 5-key keypad, LED display.


DGT4XDEVNET High speed 4 channel Din rail weight transmitter, with 2 IN, 2 OUT and DeviceNet port. 5-key keypad, LED display.


DGT4XMODTCP High speed 4 channel Din rail weight transmitter, with 2 IN, 2 OUT and MODBUS TCP/IP port. 5-key keypad, LED display.



RS485 Lightning and Surge Protection

Part # Description List Price Cart/Quote
RS485PDIN Protection circuit for port 485, with enclosure for DIN rail installation. Protection according to IEC 1000-4-5/D (IEC 801-5/D).


Approval for Sale to Third Parties

PC Software

Printers / Labelers

Clock Calendar / Alibi Memory for Type-Approved Communication

Power Supply for DIN Bar

ABS boxes for wall mounting

Communication Interfaces

Options for ATEX Version

Other Options

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