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DINI SIMULATOR TOOL: Application Software Simulator for 3590 Touch Screen

  • Weight simulation with 4-channel digital potentiometer.
  • Communication with DiniTools and Dini Display Tool.
  • Integrated serial terminal to send controls and simulate barcode scanning.
  • Integrated virtual printer.
  • Management of PC serial ports for communication with external devices.
  • Digital input/outputs and analogue output diagnostics.
  • Debugging of basic programs.
  • Screenshot saving for creating documentation.

Simulation program to run the application software of the 3590 Touch Screen indicators on your PC. Ideal for testing and discovering, comfortably from your PC, all the features and innovations offered by each version of the desired application program.

Minimum Requirements:
Pentium IV or equivalent - 2GB Ram
2GB of free disk space
Windows 10.
Framework 4.0
Monitor with minimum resolution 1024 x 768

Supported Softwares:


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Inventory Weighing Solutions and Programmes Email All Weight Indicators and Trasnmitters|Bench Scales|Pallet Truck Scales|Floor Scales Articles


Available Versions

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DST Application software simulator for 3590 Touch Screen.



License Regeneration

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LICGEN PC software license regeneration. To regenerate the license it is necessary to fill in the "New Software License" form that can be downloaded in the Download section. NET PRICE (*)


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