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TWL Series Overhead Monorail Weighing Scales

  • It operates with 1 aluminum load cell with IP66 protection rating, approved according to OIML R60 C3
  • AISI 304 stainless steel structure, fitted with accessories for fastening to the beam and threaded rods for fastening to the customer's track section
  • Electropolished structure for easy cleaning: the smooth surface helps reduce dirt accumulation and the proliferation of microorganisms
  • Maximum length of the overhead rail weighing section: 300 mm
  • Up to 15 VDC power supply
  • 6-wire shielded cable, 3m long, 5mm diameter

Options Available Only at Time of Order:

  • Connection to the indicator and calibration with CE-M 3000e single range or 3000e+3000e dual range approval (with our indicator)
  • Models with special sizes and capacities (ask for estimate)
  • Possible adaptations with customer’s track section (to be supplied per account of manufacture), which will be quantified upon job card cost account
  • Stainless steel load cell

Weighing modules for overhead monorails, easily adaptable with any type of handling system, even existing ones. Fitted with OIML approved load cell.

Code l x w x h (mm) Nr. of cells Max (kg) d (g) M (g*) M
2R (g)*
TWL15  310x200x125 1x300kg 150 50 50 20-50
TWL30  310x200x125 1x500kg 300 100 100 50-100

(*) Divisions obtainable only with the relative options, in combination with Dini Argeo weight indicator.


- The track section to be applied to the scale and relative fastening to the threaded rods must be realized by the customer.
- ATTENTION: The order is possible only upon verification of the system's data, executed by our technicians when the filled out DataRequest_TWL_ENG module downloadable up here is sent.
- The capacity and division must be specified in the module for the verification of the feasibility, consequently to the requested features.


Available Versions

Part # Description List Price Cart/Quote
TWL15 Overhead monorail weighing module with 150 kg capacity, 50 g division, electropolished stainless steel loading surface 310x200x125 mm, maximum length of the overhead rail weighing section: 300 mm.


TWL30 Overhead monorail weighing module with 300 kg capacity, 100 g division, electropolished stainless steel loading surface 310x200x125 mm, maximum length of the overhead rail weighing section: 300 mm.



Calibration service with weight indicator

Part # Description List Price Cart/Quote
DINICAL Connection to a Dini Argeo indicator and calibration. NET PRICE (*).


DINICAL-DRC Direct connection (without connectors) from platform to indicator and calibration service. € NET.NOTE(1): delivered platform not connected: connection of the platform to the weight indicator to be carried out on site by qualified personnel.


Legal for trade approval, class III or IIII, with Dini Argeo weight indicator (only at time of order)


Protection for Junction Box / Electronic Circuits

Calibration Service with Dini Argeo Weight Indicator (only at time of order)

IP68 protection

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