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Discontinued Products
Discontinued products are organized by categories on this page. While these products are no longer available for purchase, customer service is still available. Replacement parts may be ordered, and resources such as manuals can be downloaded. Click a category, locate the product and explore the tabs for relevant information.
Discontinued Aviation

Tracer® AV Digital Weight Indicator
Tracer AV digital weight indicator is the NTEP Certified, Legal for Trade aviation weighing solution that sends a flashing alert to bagwell display when preset weight limits are exceeded.

Tracer® AVi Aviation System
Tracer AV digital weight indicator is the NTEP Certified, Legal for Trade aviation weighing solution that sends a flashing alert to bagwell display when preset weight limits are exceeded.
Discontinued Balances

Valor 1000 Series, OHAUS Toploader Balance (Discontinued V11 Models)
The Ohaus Valor™ 1000 Balance has a compact size with a stainless steel platform cover.

QB Series, Rice Lake Weighing Systems
QB Series, Rice Lake Weighing Systems

A&D Weighing EK-EP Intrinsically Safe Compact Balances
A&D Weighing EK-EP are intrinsically safe balances with capacities in 300 kg, 3,000 kg or 12,000 kg. Operating modes include Counting, Percentage and Specific Gravity.

A&D Weighing GX Series
A&D Weighing GX Series

A&D Weighing GF Series Precision Balance
A&D Weighing GF Series Precision Balance


Cubis Series, Sartorius Precision Balance
Sartorius Cubis Milligram Series of analytical balances offers a choice of display and control units, weighing modules and draft shields.

Cubis Series, Sartorius Semi-Micro and Analytical Series Balance
Sartorius Cubis Semi-Micro and Analytical Series balances provide a choice of display and control units, weighing modules and draft shields.

Entris Series, Sartorius Precision Balance
Sartorius Entris Series Precision Balance

TA Series, Rice Lake Analytical Balance
Rice Lake TA Series Analytical Tuning Fork Balance

Pioneer Plus Series, OHAUS Analytical and Precision Series
Ohaus Pioneer Plus Analytical and Precision Series
Discontinued Bench

DIGI® Bench Scales
DIGI® Bench Scales
Discontinued Checkweighers

CW-40 Over/Under Checkweigher
CW-40 Over/Under Checkweigher

CW-80 Over/Under Checkweigher
CW-80 Over/Under Checkweigher

Discontinued Counting Scales

DMC-290 Series Coin Counting Scales, DIGI®
DMC-290 Series Coin Counting Scales, DIGI®

DMC-688 Series Portable Coin Counting Scale, DIGI®
DMC-688 Series Portable Coin Counting Scale, DIGI®

DC-100/200/300 Counting Scales, DIGI®
DC-100/200/300 Counting Scales, DIGI®

DC-688 Series Portable Counting Scales, DIGI®
DC-688 Series Portable Counting Scales, DIGI®

DC-180, DIGI®
DC-180, DIGI®

DC-190 Ultra Series Counting Scales, DIGI®
DC-190 Ultra Series Counting Scales, DIGI®

DC-530 Series Counting Scale, DIGI®
DC-530 Series Counting Scale, DIGI®
Discontinued Dimensioning

QubeVu Core™
The brilliant little box with the world’s fastest parcel dimensioning: lightning quick (literally), with certified accuracy, unbeatable throughput, simplified installation and painless interfacing.

QubeVu Industrial™
Big brother to the QubeVu Core™, Industrial is a data-grabbing machine, packing unbeatable speed and high-resolution imagery suitable for reading barcodes and OCR

QubeVu DimStation®2.0
Built around our lightning-quick QubeVu Core™, DimStation is the complete parcel-dimensioning solution. Designed for high throughput, DimStation is powerful, economical and easy to use.
Discontinued Health Scales
340-10-3 Dual-ramp Wheelchair Scale
340-10-3 Dual Ramp Wheelchair Scale

240-10-1 Bariatric/Handrail with Chair Seat
240-10-1 Bariatric/Handrail with Chair Seat

RL-440HH Digital Home Health Scale
RL-440HH Digital Home Health Scale

D1100 Wireless Bed Scale
D1100 Wireless Bed Scale

Certified Fitness Scale 140-10-7N
Certified Fitness Scale 140-10-7N

Pediatric Scale Cart
Pediatric Scale Cart
Discontinued Indicators

IQ plus® 390-DC/590-DC Digital Weight Indicator
The IQ plus 390-DC/590-DC are highly functional weight indicators are well-suited for crowded, industrial areas with a prominent LCD display and 300-hour battery life.

IQ Plus® 355 Digital Weight Indicator
The IQ Plus 355 features the durability of a stainless steel enclosure and simple five-key operation.

IQ Plus® 710 Configurable Weight Indicator
IQ Plus® 710 Configurable Weight Indicator

IQ Plus 800 Digital Weight Indicator
IQ Plus 800 Digital Weight Indicator

IQ Plus 510 Digital Weight Indicator
IQ Plus 510 Digital Weight Indicator

IQ Plus 310A Digital Weight Indicator
SURVIVOR 320HE and 310HE, IQ Plus 310A

Condec™ UMC444/555 Digital Weight Indicator [DISCONTINUED]
Condec™ UMC444/555 Digital Weight Indicator

Condec™ UMC222 Digital Weight Indicator
Condec™ UMC222 Digital Weight Indicator

Condec™ UMC600 Programmable Weight Indicator [DISCONTINUED]
Condec™ UMC600 Programmable Weight Indicator

DIGI® DI-28SS/BR Digital Weight Indicator
DIGI® DI-28SS and DI-28BR Digital Weight Indicator

420 Plus Digital Weight Indicator
The 420 Plus digital weight indicator has the added benefit of two internal setpoints and a full-front keypad for simple calibration and configuration.
SURVIVOR® 420HE Hostile Environment Digital Weight Indicator
SURVIVOR 420HE hostile environment digital weight indicators are designed specifically for corrosion resistance in fertilizer plants, chemical processing and other hostile environments.

590-AG Livestock Digital Weight Indicator
Rice Lake’s 590-AG Livestock Digital Weight Indicator is a Legal for Trade indicator for the ranch or farm, programmed for the specific needs of animal handling.

320IS/320IS Plus Intrinsically Safe Digital Indicator
The 320IS provides basic weighing functions while addressing the specific voltage and regulatory requirements for explosive environments.
For use in volatile areas, the 320IS Plus digital weight indicator is the very best in intrinsically safe and explosion-proof equipment, providing basic weighing functions with the benefit of a full front keypad.

SURVIVOR® 390HE Hostile Environment Digital Weight Indicator
The SURVIVOR 390HE hostile environment digital weight indicator is for basic weighing functions in hostile-environment applications.
Discontinued Printers

Okidata 186 Plus Microline Printer
The Okidata 186 Plus Microline forms printer is rugged, reliable and built for speed.

Rice Lake RL-22DT/RL-42DT/TT Printers (Discontinued)
Rice Lake RL-22DT/RL-42DT/TT Printers

Zebra® LP-2824/LP/TLP-2844
Zebra® LP-2824/LP/TLP-2844

Zebra® GK Series Printer (Discontinued)
Zebra® GK Series Printer

Datamax-O'Neil microFlash™ 2Te Direct Thermal Portable Printer
Datamax-O'Neil microFlash™ 2Te Direct Thermal Portable Printer


Rice Lake TicketPress Printer (Discontinued)
Rice Lake's TicketPress ticket printer automatically adjusts to media thickness and prints multiple easy-to-read copies.

Star NP-211/NP-311/NP-2511/NP-3511 Thermal Kiosk Printer (Discontinued)
Star® NP-211/NP-311/NP-2511/NP-3511 Thermal Kiosk Printer

Star® TUP900 Direct Thermal Kiosk Mechanism
Star® TUP900 Direct Thermal Kiosk Mechanism

Rice Lake SP2200 Ticket Printer (Discontinued)
Rice Lake SP2200 Ticket Printer

Printek MtP400si Direct Thermal Printer (Discontinued)
The compact MtP400si direct thermal printer is built in the USA and meets the challenges of many rugged industrial environments.

Prove Statistical Printer
Ultra-compact Prove statistical printer from Rice Lake.

Epson EU-T482 Series Thermal Kiosk Printer
The Epson EU-T482 Series is a thermal kiosk printer complete with two interface options—RS-232 and USB.

Epson EU-T400 Thermal Kiosk Printer
The Epson EU-T400 Series is a thermal kiosk printer with two-method printer capability—direct thermal single and two-color printing.

Okidata 320-390-420 Turbo
The Okidata 186/320/390/420 Turbo forms printers are rugged, reliable and built for speed.
Discontinued Remote Displays/Scoreboards

LaserLight® Series Remote Displays
LaserLight 4 inch, 6 inch, & 4 inch Stop & Go Remote Displays

LaserLT RD-1550 Remote Display
LaserLT RD-1550 Remote Display
Discontinued Retail Equipment

Ishida Astra
Now available is the Ishida Astra II! This model is the direct replacement to the original Astra.

Ishida BC-4000S
Ishida BC-4000S

Ishida iPC-WP Portable Bench Scale
Ishida iPC-WP Portable Bench Scale
Discontinued Sartorius Precision Industrial

FB Series, Factory Basic Scales
FB Series, Factory Basic Scales