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Rice Lake VS-13 Small Animal Scale

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  • Large, stable scale base
  • LCD display
  • Human and pet weighing mode
  • Tap to turn on
  • Auto power-off ensures long battery life
  • Master power switch to prevent power-on during transport
  • Units of measure: lb, kg
  • Scale capacity switches from pounds to ounces when tare function for human weight is used
  • Optional carrying case

Rice Lake VS-13 Veterinary Scale

The Rice Lake VS-13 digital scale for animals allows pets to be weighed while being safely held by their owner or a veterinarian. Powered by either batteries or an AC adaptor, caregivers can keep their animal safe in any location without sacrificing the precision of accurate weight readings. This veterinary scale can be used to weigh dogs, cats and other companion animals.

No tare entered:
0 to 100 lb × 0.1 lb; 100 to 440 lb × 0.2 lb 
Tare entered:
0 to 100 lb × 2 oz; 100 to 400 lb × 4 oz
0 to 50 kg × 0.05 kg; 50 to 200 kg × 0.1 kg

Four AA alkaline batteries (included) or AC adapter (included)

Battery Type:
Four AA alkaline (included)

One-year limited

  Inches Centimeters
A 12.7 32.2
B 12.7 32.2
C 2.0 5.0

Shipping Dimensions and Weight
Length (in) Width (in) Height (in) Package Wgt. (lb) Dim Wgt. (lb) Shipping Wgt. (lb)
17 15 6 9 12 12


Title Download Email
Rice Lake VS-13 Vet Scale Catalog Page Download Email

Title Version Revision Download Email Category Archived
D400 Adult and Child Scale Calibration Instructions Download Email Health Scales No
D400 Rice Lake Adult and Child Scale Operation B Download Email Health Scales No


Part # Description List Price Cart/Quote


Part # Description List Price Cart/Quote
107445 Carrying Case, Scale 1

List Price: $92.00