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Load Cell 2

Advanced Load Cell Troubleshooting

Load cells are not only the most critical part of an electronic weighing system, they are also the most vulnerable.

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Boost Efficiency with Custom Mounts and Weigh Modules

Because every application is unique, it’s not possible to offer every configuration of load cell mounts and weigh modules as standard options. That's why custom mounts are ideal solutions for even the most unique weighing applications.


What is a Load Cell and How Does it Work?

The load cell is the heart of every scale system. The load cell is the most important component of a digital scale system. All digital scales rely on load cells and without it, a scale can’t measure weight.

Loadcell Checkleaking Mount Wire Tester (1)

How to Test a Load Cell for Leakage

If you are experiencing unstable weight readings, follow this procedure to test your load cell for electrical leakage.

Loadcell Checksignal Withindicator Voltmeter

How to Check Load Cell Signal

If you are getting unusual weight readings on your scale, you may want to troubleshoot the load cells. This article will walk you through using a voltmeter to test load cell signal.

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The Basics of Load Cell Wiring and Trimming

Load cell wiring and trimming are critical to a weighing system’s accuracy and should always be performed by trained technicians. However, general load cell wiring knowledge can help you better understand how your weighing system works and how potential errors occur.

Lc Troubleshooting Tn

Basic Load Cell Troubleshooting Tips

Load cells are the heart of every electrical scale. This video explains some tips for basic load cell troubleshooting.

Five Types Load Cells

Five Types of Load Cells


Operation, Capacity Versus Resolution, and Common Types of Load Cells

A load cell converts a mechanical force into an electrical signal. Learn how load cells work, the differences between load cell capacity and resolution, and some common types of load cells.


Choosing a Load Cell for Tough Applications

To select the right load cell for a demanding application, you need a solid understanding of your environment and operating conditions and what load cell features are best for handling them.

WEB SC Different Types Of Load Cell Seals

Different Types of Load Cell Seals

There are different ways that load cells are sealed. Each method depends on your application needs.