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20 kg - 1 mg Single Calibration Weights, OIML Class M2

  • Nominal value marked on weights
  • Serial numbers applied to case (weights may be marked with symbol)
  • Density is approximately 7.95 g/cm3
  • OIML M2 satin finish
  • Weights manufactured international recommendation, OIML R111 specifications

OIML precision laboratory metric kits are used for density measurement, tolerance checking, mass standards and OIML guidelines for balance and scale verification.


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OIML Precision 20 kg-1 mg Metric Single Weights Catalog Page Download Email

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Precision Laboratory Kits OIML Classification Request Download Email Calibration Weights|Test / Calibration Weights


Part # Description List Price Cart/Quote
115926 Weight,CYL 5kg OIML M2 SST, Satin, Density 7.84

List Price: $255.00

115925 Weight,CYL 2kg OIML M2 SST, Satin, Density 7.84

List Price: $160.00

115924 Weight,CYL 1kg OIML M2 SST, Satin, Density 7.84

List Price: $86.00

115923 Weight,CYL 500g OIML M2 SST, Satin, Density 7.84

List Price: $79.00

115922 Weight,CYL 200g OIML M2 SST, Satin, Density 7.84

List Price: $62.00

111934 Weight,CYL 100g OIML M2 SST, Satin, Density 7.84

List Price: $54.00

111935 Weight,CYL 50g OIML M2 SST, Satin, Density 7.84

List Price: $49.00

111936 Weight,CYL 20g OIML M2 SST, Satin, Density 7.84

List Price: $43.50

111937 Weight,CYL 10g OIML M2 SST, Satin, Density 7.84

List Price: $43.50

111938 Weight,CYL 5g OIML M2 SST, Satin, Density 7.84

List Price: $39.50

111939 Weight,CYL 2g OIML M2 SST, Satin, Density 7.84

List Price: $39.50

111940 Weight,CYL 1g OIML M2 SST, Satin, Density 7.84

List Price: $39.50