Transfer Equipment

Standard Features
Part # | Description |
11711 | Weight,Tweezers 3.54x.46 Delrin |
50035 | Weight Forceps, 4-3/4 Plastic, 200g to 500g |
11747 | Weight,Lift 3/8x7/8x5.89 Handle Plexiglass, 200 g to 3 kg |
11712 | Weight,Lift Large Handle SST, 5 kg and larger nominal value |
65640 | Forceps,Weight 3-1/8 Long Metal SST |
50037 | Weight,Lift 2kg and 5kg OIML Acrylic |
50000 | Tong ASSY,24cmx7.5cm W/ Surgical Tubing On Ends |
152414 | Tweezers,Curved Tip 130 mm, Tips made of nylon. |
157109 | Tweezers,Precision 220mm Tips made of PA12 Plastic & Carbon Fiber |
An ISO 9001 Registered Company ©2024 Rice Lake Weighing Systems