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Healthcare Preparation for the Aging Population
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, as the Baby Boomer generation ages, around 2030 there will be more older adults than children. The number of older adults heavily increases in the years following as well.
This means that healthcare facilities should start preparing for this demographic change now. Older adults have limited mobility and difficulty standing for long periods of time. Caregivers must be prepared to assist patients with a variety of tasks throughout the day.
According to the American Hospital Association (AHA), more than one-third of adults 65 or older fall each year and 20% to 30% of those falls suffer from injuries that decrease mobility and independence. With an increase in falls and a decrease in mobility, healthcare facilities should have the resources needed to accommodate these patients.
How can healthcare facilities be prepared?
Having the right equipment in your facilities can help make it easier for your patients. When a patient needs to be weighed, having a scale with a low platform or live handrails can help prevent falling. Live handrails are support rails that patients can hold on to while still receiving accurate weight results. Using a wheelchair scale with an inclined platform or a chair scale for patients to sit on while being weighed can benefit these patients. These types of scales are made for weighing patients who experience difficulty walking or standing. Patients are able to be weighed easily, safely and accurately when the proper scales are available.
There are many health scales available with features to ensure safety. Rice Lake Weighing Systems offers a large variety of health scales to prepare for the rapid aging population. Learn more at