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How to Choose Software to Integrate Checkweigher Data
Checkweighers help ensure product quality by verifying the correct amount of material is in each package, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty. Static and in-motion checkweighers are efficiency-boosting systems for a variety of production processes, including recipe batching, packaged goods processing, material inspection and more. When choosing a checkweighing system, you should also consider the software for your Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system.
Static Checkweighing Software
Static, or manual, checkweighers require operator intervention to move products on or off the weighing platform. Operators are able to easily intervene if packages are over- or underweight, ensuring product quality. Static checkweighers can also be used to monitor ingredient fill when batching products.
If the checkweigher is used for ingredient fill, you should choose a software program that will continuously monitor ingredient weights to compensate for filling errors caused by human error or product variation. You may also want a program that can operate in both negative and positive checkweighing modes on the same system to accurately capture weights whether material is being taken away or added to the container on the checkweigher.
Not only should the checkweighing software monitor package weights as operators move them across the platform, but the weight data should be automatically captured and stored. Ensure the software also provides real-time reports to help reveal processes that can be optimized.

In-motion Checkweighing Software
In-motion, or dynamic, checkweighers automatically weigh packages and products as they move along a conveyor and over a scale. Many in-motion checkweighers also have optional reject systems to remove over- and underweight packages from the production line so operators can correct the packages before returning them to production.
In-motion checkweighing software should be able to connect and capture data from multiple weighing stations, giving you an easy way to monitor processes. If your checkweighers are part of a filling line, the software should allow you to view dynamic reports of filler performance based on time or material.
As with static checkweighing software, in-motion checkweighing software should offer comprehensive, real-time reports of operations. However, you may also need software that can connect to label printers, bar code scanners, PC stations and static scales, in addition to in-motion checkweighers and your data network.
Myrias Checkweigher Software
Rice Lake’s Myrias® modular software solution is ideal for static and in-motion checkweighing processes. With both static and in-motion weighing modules available, Myrias tracks over- or underweight package trends to alert operators to process areas that can be optimized. Myrias provides comprehensive records to help easily fulfill traceability requirements on ingredients and finished products. Integrate Myrias software with existing processes, regardless of scale brand, to elevate your ERP systems.