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Non-Slip Floor Scales Provide Increased Safety
Rice Lake offers optional SlipNOT® coating on floor scales for increased safety in all environments.
When selecting floor scale options, it is essential for safety to be considered and prioritized.
Floor Scale Options
Traditional floor scale top plates often utilize diamond treadplate or smooth-top finishes. While these materials are durable or suitable for washdown environments, they can become slippery—especially when exposed to oils, chemicals, water or cleaning liquids.

Rice Lake offers optional SlipNOT® coating on floor scales for increased safety in all environments. This proprietary finish can be applied to virtually any scale surface material, including aluminum, steel and stainless steel. Even when wet, SlipNOT coated floor scales give pedestrians extra traction compared to diamond treadplate or smooth tops.
Minimizing slip and fall risks helps companies ensure the safety of their employees and visitors, as well as decrease exposure to costly liability expenses.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), as well as several agencies including the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) have created standards and recommendations for slip-resistant floors. These recommendations are based on a measurable coefficient of friction, which is the ratio of the force of friction between two objects and the force pressing them together. Higher COF values indicate better traction levels.
Many factors influence the COF of a floor scale’s surface. Liquids, dust and even normal wear-and-tear can turn an already low COF into a dangerous situation. It is important to ensure that any slip-resistant surface maintains a high COF even when compromised. Rice Lake’s SlipNOT coated floor scales maintain a COF of at least 0.85 at all times, even when submerged in oil. This exceeds all agency recommendations.
SlipNOT finishing can be specified as an option when quoting a Rice Lake floor scale. By combining the industry’s most durable scales from Rice Lake with the high traction surface from SlipNOT, manufacturers and food processors are able to offer long-lasting safety.