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What Is the Difference between a DHCP and a Static IP Address?
Advanced weight indicators often have different methods of communication to choose from, including different wireless network connectivity such as DHCP and Static IP addresses.

DHCP IP Addresses
One network connection method is DHCP, which stands for Dynamic Host Control Protocol. It is an easy automated way for your indicator to communicate with your computer by continuously looking for another device, such as a Wi-Fi router, to provide an IP address.
Since the DHCP server/router assigns the IP address, it is automatically managing hundreds of computers on a facility network. Since DHCP IP addresses are dynamically set, they may change if the assigning device changes, which will cause a loss of configurations on your computer due to a disconnection.
The automatic connection of a DHCP IP address is a benefit, but it’s important to require authentication when connecting a new device. This will prevent someone from implanting an unauthorized DHCP server and accessing the network without permission, protecting you from corrupted data and identity theft.
Static IP Addresses
If you don’t have a device that is designed to provide an IP address, turn off the DHCP function of the indicator and assign a static IP address. Because the static IP address is set manually, it will remain the same every time you use the indicator. If you are connecting multiple devices, each device’s IP address must be unique to avoid overlap in connection. For this reason, you should keep every IP address used on file.
You may find static IP addresses are the best option if you have a limited number of devices to connect. Because you control the IP address, you have greater control and protection from suspicious activity.
Making the Decision
A safe and secure connection is critical to efficient processes. To learn more about what IP address is best for your application, contact one of Rice Lake Weighing Systems’ experts to discuss your requirements.