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DTW Dual Track Vehicle Weighing Series

  • Precise and versatile platforms, suitable for all kinds of applications; ideal for modern industries, farms, work yards, landfills, ports, etc, in which one can save space or change the logistical stations
  • Extremely compact: only 22 cm high. Takes up little space if installed on the street surface, reduced masonry if installed flush floor to the road surface
  • The load capacity complies with the 96/53/EC Directive which defines the maximum axle load for the vehicles transiting in Europe (version for higher loads is available upon request)
  • Sturdy loading surface in striated sheet steel
  • Sandblasting and varnishing with bi-component epoxy coating, highly resistant to corrosion
  • Installable above, as well as flush floor to the street surface
  • Reinforced on and off ramps, for mobile or fixed installation (optional)
  • Weight detection system through oscillating load bars (patented system) with integrated brake / acceleration compensating limits and anti-slip rubber resting plates
  • Load cells protected from dust and water
  • Fitted with approval, carried out in factory (to be combined with Dini Argeo indicator)
  • Dust and waterproof wirings and connections, easy to connect and disconnect
  • Modularity: by adding or removing pairs of modules, the weighbridges can have these lengths: 4,5 m - 9 m - 13,5 m - 18 m - 22,5 (up to 36m by price estimate)
  • Wide range of connectable weight indicators, also functioning with rechargeable battery, which allow to use the weighbridge also without an electrical power supply
  • 30m long connection cable between DTW and indicators
  • Spray paint can RAL 3009 of 400ml included as standard, for post-installation finishing.
  • To facilitate maintenance and avoid prolonged immersion of the junction box, the use of the STCAB street cabinet is recommended.

Options and Accessories:

  • Available upon request with special capacities and divisions.
  • Transport (upon price estimate).
  • Kit of on/off mobile ramps.
  • Angles of crest kit for flush floor installation or for concrete on/off ramps.
  • Dual range CE-M 3000 + 3000e approved (upon price estimate).

Innovative vehicle weighing dual track weighbridge, easily transportable and installable thanks to the reduced height and weight. Designed and built with vey high quality materials, this represents the most efficient solution for saving time, space, and money in comparison to the classic weighbridges currently available on the market. The standard version is fitted with CE-M 3000e APPROVAL, for legal for trade use.

Code l x w x h


2R (kg)
DTW515A-9 2x (4,50x1,00x0,22) 15000 5 -- 2 bridges - 4 weighing bars
DTW530A-9 2x (4,50x1,00x0,22) 30000 10 5/10(**) 2 bridges - 4 weighing bars
DTW930A-9 2x (9,00x1,00x0,22) 30000 10 5/10(**) 4 bridges - 6 weighing bars
DTW960A-9 2x (9,00x1,00x0,22) 60000 20 10/20(**) 4 bridges - 6 weighing bars
DTW1430A-9 2x (13,50x1,00x0,22) 30000 10 5/10(**) 6 bridges - 8 weighing bars
DTW1460A-9 2x (13,50x1,00x0,22) 60000 20 10/20(**) 6 bridges - 8 weighing bars
DTW1860A-9 2x (18,00x1,00x0,22) 60000 20 10/20(**) 8 bridges - 10 weighing bars
DTW1880A-9 2x (18,00x1,00x0,22) 80000 50 20/50(**) 8 bridges - 10 weighing bars
DTW2280A-9 2x (22,50x1,00x0,22) 80000 50 20/50(**) 10 bridges - 12 weighing bars

(*)NET PRICES: please contact the sales department for further information.
WARNING: the product requires special transport, with quote.
(**) Fitted with CE-M 3000e approval. The dual range CE-M 3000 + 3000e approval is optional, upon price estimated.


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DTW Weighbridge | Solutions overview View Email Weighbridges


Available Versions

Part # Description List Price Cart/Quote
DTW515A-9 Dual track mobile approved weigh bridge with 15000 kg capacity, 5 kg division, striated sheet steel loading surface 4,50x1 m, h= 0,22 m, painted steel structure. The load capacity complies with the 96/53/EC Directive which defines the maximum axle load for the vehicles transiting in Europe. NET PRICE


DTW530A-9 Dual track mobile approved weigh bridge with 30000 kg capacity, 10 kg division, striated sheet steel loading surface 4,50x1 m, h= 0,22 m, painted steel structure. The load capacity complies with the 96/53/EC Directive which defines the maximum axle load for the vehicles transiting in Europe. NET PRICE


DTW930A-9 Dual track mobile approved weigh bridge with 30000 kg capacity, 10 kg division, striated sheet steel loading surface 9x1 m, h= 0,22 m, painted steel structure. The load capacity complies with the 96/53/EC Directive which defines the maximum axle load for the vehicles transiting in Europe. NET PRICE


DTW960A-9 Dual track mobile approved weigh bridge with 60000 kg capacity, 20 kg division, striated sheet steel loading surface 9x1 m, h= 0,22 m, painted steel structure. The load capacity complies with the 96/53/EC Directive which defines the maximum axle load for the vehicles transiting in Europe. NET PRICE


DTW1430A-9 Dual track mobile approved weigh bridge with 30000 kg capacity, 10 kg division, striated sheet steel loading surface 13,50x1 m, h= 0,22 m, painted steel structure. The load capacity complies with the 96/53/EC Directive which defines the maximum axle load for the vehicles transiting in Europe. NET PRICE


DTW1460A-9 Dual track mobile approved weigh bridge with 60000 kg capacity, 20 kg division, striated sheet steel loading surface 13,50x1 m, h= 0,22 m, painted steel structure. The load capacity complies with the 96/53/EC Directive which defines the maximum axle load for the vehicles transiting in Europe. NET PRICE


DTW1860A-9 Dual track mobile approved weigh bridge with 60000 kg capacity, 20 kg division, striated sheet steel loading surface 18x1 m, h= 0,22 m, painted steel structure. The load capacity complies with the 96/53/EC Directive which defines the maximum axle load for the vehicles transiting in Europe. NET PRICE


DTW1880A-9 Dual track mobile approved weigh bridge with 80000 kg capacity, 50 kg division, striated sheet steel loading surface 18x1 m, h= 0,22 m, painted steel structure. The load capacity complies with the 96/53/EC Directive which defines the maximum axle load for the vehicles transiting in Europe. NET PRICE


DTW2280A-9 Dual track mobile approved weigh bridge with 80000 kg capacity, 50 kg division, striated sheet steel loading surface 22,5x1 m, h= 0,22 m, painted steel structure. The load capacity complies with the 96/53/EC Directive which defines the maximum axle load for the vehicles transiting in Europe. NET PRICE



Transport and Installation

Part # Description List Price Cart/Quote
WBTRASP1 Weighing system transport costs. Ask for price estimate.


Calibration Service with Dini Argeo Weight Indicator (only at time of order)

Accessories for Post-Installation Finishing

Protection for Junction Box / Electronic Circuits

Kit for installing above the street surface

Frame for Flush Floor Installation

Main Compatible Weight Indicators

Weight Repeaters

Printers / Labelers

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